an artist's musings on the concept of soul ascension

as the day of rapture came and went this last month. i started to think about the soul. it's lost place in art and in the world. so let's make some art about it. and some musings.
The Rapture is about getting God's people ready for a soul what am I doing to prepare for rapture?
Rapture is this ecstatic moment. i think of all good christians not looking for ecstasy in life but preparing for this one great historic moment to be flown to heaven?
What would it be like to find The Rapture everyday? What would it be like to prepare for something wonderous. So the crazy christian guy now says October 21, 2011 (the day he predicted the world to ACTUALLY the day of rapture).
So I thought I ould get my soul and myself ready or in poor grammtical form, more ready. I would start making more art to get out anything good before I go to heaven or hell. and to think about the soul and where is it now adays...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

my life

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